7 Domestic Face Masks to Remove Acne

Domestic face-masks are easy ways to deal with Acne. These are easy to make and natural made face masks are beneficial for the skin.

7 Domestic Face Masks to Remove Acne

1. Everyone is Acne

Acne harasses everyone whether it is women or men. People of all ages have this problem. Whether it is teenage or teenager. The problem is that very few people have information about ways to deal with it. Domestic facemasks are easy ways to deal with Acne. These are easy to make and natural made face masks are beneficial for the skin.

2. Salt mask

Salt mask is easy to remove, and it is also easy to make it easy. For this, you need a bit of sea or general salt and water. Mix the water in salt and keep it for 20 minutes. Keep this mixture on the skillet and its mark for 10-20 minutes and then wash the face with clean water. Salt is the natural cleanser, which reduces the oil from the skin, which reduces the possibility of getting it.

3. Egg white mask

It's easy to create and useful masks. Take an egg and seize its yoke with the whiteness possible. Keep this mixture on the face for 20 minutes. After this, wash the face with lukewarm water. However, those people who are allergic to the egg should not use it.

4. Baking soda mask

To make this mask you need baking soda and water. Clean your face with a light cleanser and apply this mixture made from baking soda and water on your face. Keep it on your face for 10-20 minutes. This domestic mask cleans your skin. Its regular use helps to remove acne.

5. Mask of curd

The curd mask is extremely useful in removing Acne. To make it, mix one spoon of honey and one teaspoon curd and make a thick paste. Our advice is to warm them up a bit before adding honey. Keep this mixture in the face for 10 to 20 minutes. After this, wipe it with wet cloth. You will notice a difference in your skin tone right away.

6. Oatmeal mask

The oatmeal mask helps to clean your face and remove acne. Mix oatmeal in water and keep it in the face for 20-30 minutes. After this, wash it with lukewarm water. This will make your skin smoother and soft.

7. Aspirin mask

Make powder of five six non-cot ate aspirin pills and make powder. You can also use a coffee grinder or food processor to make a mixture. Add hydrogen peroxide to this powder. Put this powder on the face for 15-20 minutes and then wash the face.

8. Carrot mask

Vitamin A is very high in carrots. It helps to remove Scarring and Acne. Make a carrot paste. Put it on your face and leave it for ten minutes alone. And then wash the face with plain water. Apply this solution on alternative days. If you want you can put carrot juice on the face.


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