What Causes Dry Cracked Feet And Heels

What Causes Dry Cracked Feet and Heels

Let's know today, the cause of the dry caudate ankles (What Causes Dry Cracked Feet And Heels)

When the sensitive skin of the feet and heels of your feet gets dry, it breaks open and leaves in the ankles and feet, the painful cracks and cracks. Due to these cracks, during walking, there is also a lot of pain in your feet, which sometimes also leave infections, which are sometimes quite muscular.
Tight Edges - How they are

Due to lack of moisture due to the majority of torn edges. They also become painful, and sometimes blood is released from them. Dryness in the feet may be due to many reasons but some of the main reasons for this are given below.

1. Cooling season (This is often found in cold weather)

2. Lack of access to the body or drinking the right quantity of water

3. Lack of moisturizer in the legs

4. Bathe with hot water or shower with hot water

5. Keep feet long in hot water or make it fast

6. Using such soap in the legs that are quite harsh

7. Scrubbing of Dried Feet

Being of diabetes

When the feet become more dry then the haystack gets accelerated. Bleeding begins as soon as the skin becomes cracked. Their deep plaque invites dangerous bacteria and viruses that cause infection and you become sick.

Fine Eden - What's Its Risk

The biggest risks of cracked heels are diabetes and obesity. Those who have diabetes have the likelihood of cracked heels, because they do not remain in the blood sugar control, so their feet can have Nerves damaged and the skin can also be dry.

Diabetics are more prone to non-diabetics than the risk of infection with crack heels. If you are also diabetic, then you have to take more care of the feet, and treat it immediately after cracking in the heel, otherwise the infection may occur, which can take longer than normal people to recover.

Apart from diabetes, obesity also increases the likelihood of cracked heels, because of obesity due to obesity, you have more weight on your heels and natural heel pads are expanded. If the skin is dry, it will not be able to absorb more pressure and become cracks.

In cold weather, anyone can also have Dry Cracked Heels. Most people take bath and shower with hot water during this season. Dry Cracked Heels Chances are increased by repeatedly bathing with hot water. Apart from this, they suffer more from torn edges, which do not regularly moisturize with any good lotions or moisturizer in their legs and ankles. Drinking less water and Poor Nutrition also leads to higher chances of having Cracked Heels.
How to diagnose cracked heels
 If your heels is cracked and there is pain in it, but by using foot lotion, there is no use, then you should be careful. In such a situation, contact the Podiatrist as soon as possible, who will be able to treat you with specialist advice right away.

If you want to get rid of the pain of cracked heels, then do not add more water (8-10 glasses per day) and do not use more hot water for bathing. If there is a problem, apply a good lotion regularly and with a little pampering your feet, this will benefit you.


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