Effective Home Cleanser Adopts Skin Color To Give Natural Beauty

Skin cleansing is necessary to maintain the beauty of the face. It is not possible to get rid of make-up cleansing milk every day, due to which the hair follicles of the skin stop due to the dirt and the skin starts getting worse. That's why we are telling you some easy tips, using which your skin will remain clean and it will also improve on it.

Klinger chickpea & Turmeric Powder Klinger

Take half a cup of cabbage gram powder and add a tsp turmeric and half cup of cloth. Put this pack on face, forehead and neck. Wash after 2 minutes. This oily and combination is a good chlorine for those who have skin.

Klinger made from cucumber and curd

Take out a cucumber juice and add 3-4 t spoon yogurt into the face, forehead and neck. It also removes stains and stains of the scalp with cleaning the face.

Cleaner with curd and honey

Mix 1/2 cup yogurt into 1/2 cup honey. Put on face, forehead and neck and rinse slowly, after 2-3 minutes wash with cold water.

Cleanser made of almond and egg

6-7 Make a powder by grinding almonds, add one egg yolk and a t-spoon honey and mix well. Then put it on face, forehead and neck and rub slowly and wash with lukewarm water after drying. This is a good cleaner for dry skin.

Make your cleanser

Pineapple punch

Put the sliced
​​pineapple slices or juice on the whole face and let it dry, then wash the face with lukewarm water. Pineapple controls the roof reached by free radicals on the skin and prevents the effect of aging. In addition, the dead cells of the skin are washed away.

Creamy cleanser

Mix a drop of Essential Oils daily in a T-Spoon Cream. Apply this cream in a soft cloth and apply it in the circular motion on face, neck and chest, after some time wash. If you want to put toner and cream after this, it is good for all skin skins except for the cleaner oily skin.

Cabbage-coconut cleanser

Mix 1/4 cup coconut milk and half t-spoon almond oil in 1/4 cup cabbage juice, massage the mixture in the face and neck, and then wash it with lukewarm water. Then wash with cold water later.

Rose Glycerin Cleanser

Put dry leaves of rose in a wide-flask bottle or jar and pour boiling water in it and leave the mouth of the pot and leave for overnight. Now add 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 7-10 drops of essential oil in one cup of water. Store it in a bottle and use it as a cleanser.

Regular Cleaners

After washing the lemon or milk on the face after washing it, make a paste by adding some straws of water to the barley, flour or gram flour in the dough and put it on the face and throat and lightly rubbing it with hands. From this, the dead cells are removed from the face. Just wash the face with water. Water works like an estrangement on the skin and closes the open pore holes.

Apply green gram powder or roasted yogurt in roasted rice and apply it on the face, after 15 minutes wash it.

If the skin is oily, then mash the grapes well or grind them into grinder and make paste. Add lemon juice and egg yolk in it and mix it well. Put on face for 20 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water.


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