Homemade Toner For Glowing Skin

To get bright and beautiful skin, it is necessary to tone the face after cleansing it. It increases the blood circulation in the skin, and it also increases the skin color. It closes open skin follicles and helps keep skin tissues strong. Homemade Toner You Can Find, Healthy And Fry Skin Let's know how –

Mint toner

Put the mint leaves in half a cup of boiling water, let it cool down, then filter it and put it on the face with cotton wool and leave it, it does not need to be washed. If you want, make this water ice-cube and rubbing it on face, it will shine differently on the face.

Cooker toner

Crush the fresh cucumber and mix it in 1/2 cup yogurt. Put this mixture in the face for 10 minutes and then wash it, it is good for toner oily skin. Keep the remaining mixture in the fridge and reuse it.

Camphor toner

Mix camphor in Rose water and store it in a bottle, and then cover it with 2-3 times a day, whether it is stored in a spray bottle and then spray it on the face. This toner is very useful for Skin with Pimples.

Peach Toner

Peel 2 peaches and mash it and add 1/2 t-spoon olive oil or almond oil and 1 t-spoon cream. Apply this mixture for 10 minutes on face and then wash it with lukewarm water.

Cleanser & Toner

Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Apply juice to some milk and it will get the benefit.

Mix vinegar and rose water in the amount of quantity, it is a good toner.

After the cleansing, apply ice-cold water on the face, leaving the open skin of the skin closed.

Mix the butter and honey or some drops of honey and lemon on the face with a milk, it works as a cleanser.

Combine the red sandalwood with coconut water, it will soften the skin.

Mix almond milk, coconut milk and walnut oil in equal amounts and use it as a cleanser.


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