How to Find Mehndi - Learn and Get the Right Way

How to Find Mehndi - Learn and Get the Right Way

Mehndi's composition in the hands holds an important place in Indian culture. Hearing of henna is considered auspicious by women. Indian women on the basis of any party, festival, marriage, and special occasions, Mehndi definitely compile. Hedging is an art. By applying henna, where your attraction and beauty increase, your body gets coolness. Elegance enhances your beauty by putting henna in hands and feet.

How to properly install henna

By the way, everyone says that they come to make henna but it is very important to learn and know how to apply it correctly. So let's know step by step Mehandi

1. Filter Mehndi powder twice with the fine cloth of muslin. The better the henna, the better the better.

2. Healing of Mehndi 2 - 3 hours before applying henna. When you try, keep in mind that there is no elation in it.

3. Solve the henna in wide utensils so that it can clog well.

4. To improve the henna, take water in the form of henna in a vessel. Then boil it with half teaspoon cotta, half spoonful of coffee powder and a spoonful of tea leaves. After cooling, filter this water and mix it in a mixture of henna.

5. To make Mehdi strings and garlic, boil two or four grams of water in a little water and mix it in the above mixture.

6. Fill the Mehndi and fill it in the angle of polythene. In the angle, pierce the fine needle. Now press the angle slowly and make the desired shapes on your hands.

7. To make shapes, books can also be used to help with Mehndi's designs available in the market or can also help online.

8. Before applying henna, you should clean the arm properly. After this, make a mixture of henna with a towel.

9. When Mehdi starts drying, then lemon juice and sugar mixed with sugar should be done. With this, the color of Mehndi is confirmed.

Care After Mehndi Applied

Mehndi is more important than good applying, after taking it, the precautions to be taken after applying it. If the precautions are not taken afterwards, then all your efforts can be useless. Therefore, Mehndi climbs well in your hands, for that you must take the following precautions -

When the henna of the hand dries, then scrapes the knife with the knife and rescue the Mehndi, but sees that the chaku is not sharp enough; otherwise your hand may also hurt.

After removing henna, put mustard oil on the palms to confirm it. Do not allow water for 2 to 3 hours.

After releasing henna, add 2-4 cloves to the fire and hold palms in its smoke. The color of the henna will be very good.


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