Home Remedies of the Acne

Describe the Home Remedies of the Acne


I'm a college going girl and I'm very upset with the mausoleums. There is acne on my face in my face, so my beauty does not come naturally. Therefore, I request you to tell me some simple home remedies, so that I can remove from my facial fashions at home. - Priyanka Bharti

Pimples on Face Treatment At Home

First of all, let me tell you that it is common for the youth to have trouble with acne. As soon as girls or boys start being young (age of 13 years), in the same way they face the issue of acne.

Therefore, special care is given to the care of the skin, which generally ignores people and the problem becomes disturbed when they are serious. Remember to get rid of this problem and decrease that daily cleanliness of your face. Simultaneously add 50 gram fresh leaves of mint in two glasses of water in the home remedies and boil them with fine cloth and put it in the fridge. Clean your face with this Liquid four times a day. Continuing this for many days will greatly benefit your mouth. But if you have more problems than contact a doctor (Dermatologist).


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